Hallomoon Special #14

16 thoughts on “Hallomoon Special #14

  1. If Bevara is Beverly and Tara combined, then why did Beverly and Tara come to different conclusions than Bevara did about the witch?

    But also, I was right. This was all real.

    1. indeed you were. So i guess it’s confirmed now that the Supernatural is very real in their world.

    2. Pretty simple : Two heads are better than one.

  2. Witch of many Jobs

    If one of them can actually fight a demon it is absolutely Beverly

    1. But then again, Tara looked like she was conjuring up some sort of Eldritch Bolt in the last panel of that last strip. She could be a Chaos Mage in training!

  3. Im guessing around year 4 they will just become good friends and the Witch will move in with them as a roommate

  4. Oh, this was great. Thanks for creating this story!

  5. So, wait, just to make this clear… the first round in the Haunted Hotel last year did NOT actually happen, but was just a discarded roleplay idea by Tara…
    But then the Succubus from Taras Story somehow manifested in reality and took over the Gas-Leak Venue to..what, kill them? What was even the Plan with that Gas-leak?
    And THEN she again tricked them into booking into yet another Haunted Hotel, this time a real one?

    1. Manifested in reality…was inside her dreams, as succubus tend to do…who knows? 😉

    2. I almost feel like her gambit at the wedding venue was to stop the wedding? Again, her motive for that isn’t explained and while I can think of a handful of reasons, they’d be speculation.
      In any case, I’m glad things have resolved well, and look forward to an exciting holiday tradition! 🙂

      1. It makes sense to me the witch would want to interrupt the wedding if that’s what ultimately leads to Bevara eventually coming to be, down the road! Like sort of a Bill & Ted situation?

  6. ‘nother thing, the whole Succubus vs Steven thing kind of has the vibe of Doofenshmirtz vs Perry the Platypus (from Phineas and Ferb)

  7. I think it’s funny that Bevara resembles the german word “bewahren” (at least if you speak them out), which is translated as “to preserve”.
    I’m thrilled to find out if the author plans something with this.

  8. Headcanon – There is no transition of them getting back from the hotel. This OBVIOUSLY suggests that they woke up from a pipe dream they had because of the gas leak, and they now are planning to huff gas or something next year so they can do it again. Of course it isn’t REAL, but why should that mean it isn’t actually happening?

  9. Kinda weird that their combined form is like “yo you should totally just kill her” but the two are just like “nah”

  10. I want that book

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