Hallomoon Special #8

52 thoughts on “Hallomoon Special #8

  1. Omg someone just sent this and I’ve read from start to present in 1.5 hours. This is amazing <3

  2. Love Steve organizing the succubuses.

    1. I knew Steve would turn out to be an agitator.

    2. Yeah. Steven is the true superhero of this world.

      1. He is more than a hero, he is a union man!

    3. I like how the redhead one just seems to be giving her quiet, passive approval.

      She can’t really be bothered to get all worked up. She’s into it, but not TOO into it.

  3. The mouse and keyboard is a nice touch.

  4. Kings Cross naybe? Say hi to Harry if it is.

  5. ok, now were WAY out there. Did Bev and Tara just fall through the 4th Wall?
    And then the sidejump to Steven unionizing the Succubi :E

    1. Nort has confirmed they haven’t

  6. OMG the key-board and mouse… AWESOME

  7. Witch of many Jobs

    Succubi:”You know, he IS right! We should sieze the means of production!”

  8. Steven is a Good Boy AND a Union organizer. He is probably an in cognito Angel

  9. Both Sarah and the succubuses could understand Steven. Could Sarah be part succubus?

  10. Maybe they’re in the place Steven goes when nobody can find him.

  11. It took me a second to realize the mouse is an actually mouse and the keyboard has a bunch of keys on it.

  12. Are we not going to mention the key board or the mouse?

  13. I’m afraid of union succubi fr fr.

  14. I want that mouse

  15. Succubus Union?
    Succ U?

  16. Comrade Steven: “вояf”

  17. The mouse!

  18. Love the board of keys and live(?) mouse.

  19. Holy crap, it just hit me.
    The shark teeth, the terrifying sexuality, the ability to talk to Stephen…
    Sarah’s part succubus, isn’t she?

  20. Love the high magic keyboard and mouse for the surveillance system.

  21. Succubus Labor Revolutionary, Steven!

  22. Nobody commenting on the mouse and keyboard joke? Really? Guess I’ll be the first to say that I giggled then.

  23. Huh. The Succubi seem to understand Steven.

    SARAH seems to understand Steven.



    Also I admit it took me entirely too long to notice the board with keys on it for the keyboard, and the mouse.

  24. The Key Board is amazing. And the mouse.

  25. The mouse is a literally mouse

  26. Love the literal keyboard and mouse on the witch’s desk.

  27. So that’s where Sarah’s pointy teeth come from…

  28. In order to make their demands heard the succubus will gave to consider drastic actions like *not* seizing the means of reproduction and *no* face-sitting strikes.

  29. Omg the key board on her desk…


  31. A keyboard and a mouse? Really? Hahahaha

  32. The Proletariat has nothing to lose but their chains (and other BDSM gear)

  33. Oh, they clipped through the map. They’ve unlocked unlimited power!

  34. Steven is playing 6d chess the whole time

  35. Wow, they found the backdoor of the matrix!

  36. The key board and mouse

  37. Succubi of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your…wait, what are you doing with those chains?

  38. What, not a single comment on the keyboard and mouse?

  39. Wait, the only known characters that can communicate with Steven are Sarah and now the Succubi; does this mean that Sarah could potentially be a succubus, or a different supernatural species??

  40. Ok, so I’m binging my way through this series. Love it, by the way. And I picked up a few interesting… coincidences. Sarah can understand Steven. The succubi can understand Steven. Sarah gets spikey teeth. The succubi get spikey teeth. Is Sarah a succubus?

  41. I am choosing to believe that their ability to understand Steven means that Sarah has succubus heritage.

  42. I’m so confused

  43. Nice keyboard

  44. She’s got a literal mouse and key-board…

  45. We just going to glaze over the “keyboard” and “mouse” the Wicked Witch of the Breast is using? Okay

    1. No, we’re not. *points to half the preceding comments* 😛

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