Honeymoon #2

18 thoughts on “Honeymoon #2

  1. You will eventually, if you stick around long enough.

  2. C’mon now, it’s not all elderly and obese at nude beaches, check out Haulover beach in Miami on a Saturday, all ages and body types representing 🥰

    1. Yes the beaches are all types, the resorts tend to skew older.

  3. There’s usually three ways this goes:
    A) Sausage Party
    B) Old Folks Home
    C) Sapphic Paradice
    I’m glad we didn’t get A.

  4. That ending was just perfect 👌 so funny keep up the great work mate.

  5. This was inevitable, but still I giggle madly.

  6. First time to a nudist place, huh?

  7. Weirdly wholesome.
    Did Bev shave down there for this?

  8. I feel like this arc was just to monkey paw all the people asking you to finally draw full nudity/genitals. XD

  9. Those are literally the best, most accepting kinds of nudists to get naked in front of. There isn’t a single predatory-looking person in sight. Although some of the men might suddenly discover that they don’t need viagra today, they surely won’t try to act on their impulses by harassing two lovely strangers.

  10. Michael Steamweed

    With Bev’s blonde hair and blue eyes, I’m thinking her skin tan is due to tanning beds. She should enjoy getting some tanning via the sun.
    Tara, on the other hand, is a pale redhead and should be friendly with the sunblock.


  12. Witch of many Jobs

    Well played, sir or madam. Well played.

  13. The best part in all of this. Is that you had to draw this. We all knew what it was gonna be. But you. You had to draw it. Colour it. Shade it even. Sketch it and decide upon build and type and all that stuff. I salute your commitment.

  14. Been there, done that, and found tequila works as eye bleach.
    Naturists are nice people for the most part.

  15. I suspected it, but the delivery is still 👌👍😁

  16. As an old wise man once said “Most of the people you’ll see on a nude beach are not the kind of people a young man wants to see on a nude beach.”

  17. What good words

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