Honeymoon #4

17 thoughts on “Honeymoon #4

  1. It kinda feels like they will never go there again. 😅

  2. You just got Life Lessoned.

  3. Didn’t see that coming

  4. 1/3 “Colors Of The Wind”, 1/3 “World of Pure Imagination”, 1/3 “Dear Penthouse”.

  5. She said “my beach” more than once. Is that just how she feels, or have we met the host?

  6. Well at least they were receptive and willing to hear her out and try what she was suggesting, I guess…?
    …I honestly don’t know what to think about this, to be honest XD Dunno how accurate it is to naturists in general.

  7. Goddamn, the sun and shadows on all that skin in the last panel! Masterfully done.

  8. Witch of many Jobs

    It is nice, just maybe a bit….much for those two.

  9. Reminds me of the grandma from Moana but more naked.

  10. Blaspheme! The old ones wears shoes!

  11. The Beach Goddess… inspiring!

  12. Michael Steamweed

    The Elder reminds me of Wise Old Crone (WOC) from Go Get A Roomie. A wonderful elder to have in your life.

  13. Not related to the comic but
    Am I the only one who gets the whole “Your comment is awaiting moderation thing” or does everyone see that on their own comments?

    1. Apparently there were quite a few, all of mine included. I think it was some sort of default setting. I hope that’s changed.

      1. Ah, fair enough. I thought I’d done something to upset Nort personally or something ^^;

        1. Not you personally. It’s just all the spammers, and the occasional troll, that ruin it for everyone. Hence the crushing need for moderators.

  14. “Wait, where’re our bags?”
    “Sonovabitch robbed us!”

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