Honeymoon #5

7 thoughts on “Honeymoon #5

  1. I mean, I can think of worse cults to join. The Jared Leto one, for example.

  2. Okay… maybe NOT so inspiring! But, part of the total experience.

  3. I mean

    I mean
    Here’s the thing.
    Cults do resonate with some people. They take beliefs… but then most of the cults then use it for their own benefit by charging money from their followers and whatnot.

    And she did at least seem kinda nice even if she was a cult recruiter, I just would have expected her to be more aggressive if she was recruiting. Maybe she just plays the long game.

    I’m also generally not against people believing what they want. They can belief whatever they like, as long as they respect other people’s beliefs and don’t harm people with their beliefs.

  4. The facial expressions in panel 3 are absolutely glorious

    1. Heehee.

      Between “outright agape” and “managing to maintain the remnant of a smile” I’m probably the latter.

  5. Witch of many Jobs

    I can totally see Tara being way too easy of a mark for cult recruitment.

  6. I KNEW IT! I spent my teen years way too close to cult-y people, can spot them a mile away.
    Still super great to see so many other body types, I really loved it.

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