Honeymoon #6

11 thoughts on “Honeymoon #6

  1. I expected some sort of weight lifting contest. But I guess this is on point for Bev too. :’D

  2. Michael Steamweed

    *Tara gives the Wilhelm yell
    *or the Goofy yell…
    *it’s unclear

  3. Witch of many Jobs

    Oh this is going to be good!

  4. They never are

  5. Did Tara always have freckles?

    1. It’s most likely a ‘red head getting a lot of sun’ thing. It makes the freckles come out.

  6. so excited to see how they handle it omg :sob:

  7. This guy’s got thr right idea, he wore the brown pants!

  8. Huh, both girls look a bit darker and Tara has some freckles.

    Nice attention to detail~

  9. I was expecting some big major hike. This arguably works even better

  10. Definitely more of a brown shorts day.

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