Honeymoon #8

21 thoughts on “Honeymoon #8

  1. LOL you need to pull an XKCD and have Honeymoon 7 change if they’ve already seen 8.

  2. ok time for the horror plot to begin

  3. >old lady

    Spirit guide only shows up when they know you need some help :}

  4. dun dun DUNNNNNNNN

  5. Why do I get the feeling the old lady and this person are messing with them?

  6. It’s the witch, isn’t it


  8. Witch of many Jobs

    Oooooh! Spooky!

  9. So the guy there is basically saying he’s the one who met them, helped them put on their harnesses, and so forth. The old lady is clearly a benevolent spirit guide that only Beverly and Tara can see. Either that, or this is an elaborate prank and the entire staff of the resort are in on it.

  10. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. There are some pointy ears on that dude.

    1. that was my first thought as well, but all the ears on this page are drawn weirdly pointy, so probably just artistic license, not a hint at a magical disguise

      1. Nah, probably the witch again!

      2. Jumping to magic as your first explanation is highly illogical, Jim

  11. My first thought was, ‘how did our favorite amazon NOT end up with two black eyes? Antigrav brassiere?’

  12. I feel like this comic wants to go in an urban fantasy direction but can’t quite justify fully diving into it beyond some quasi canon holiday arcs.

  13. Maybe the old lady, was inside us all along… Or maybe she’s currently hiding behind that bush, giggling while her granddaughter pretends she never existed

  14. a reader among thousands

    It’s their honeymoon, so my guess goes for a fairy godmother who want to be sure that they’ll have the best possible memories.
    And so far it seem to works.

  15. You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead – your next stop, the Twilight Zone!

  16. So my guess the old lady is the Goddess Pele, ( I’m assuming Tara & Beverly are in Hawaii)

  17. My dude, if they hit their head on the bottom they’d likely be DEAD.

  18. and so, the plot thickens!

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