Honeymoon #9

9 thoughts on “Honeymoon #9

  1. Witch of many Jobs

    Just because you´re weird does not mean you´re wrong

  2. Wait no I caught up :sob:

  3. If this is the Witch again I swear to god…

  4. >sightly unhinged

    Yes, but only “slightly”. Compared to some of the things staff have to endure from the public, you two are still angels :}

  5. Wow she looks just like Kale from dragon ball super good job and the artwork

  6. The lady died years ago, didn’t she? I’m calling it right now, she’s a freaking ghost!

  7. No-one wants to talk about that lady, huh?

    Either she’s someone who died and they keep seeing her ghost…
    Or she’s just super super sketchy and no-one wants to talk about her because she’s dangerous.

  8. Michael Steamweed

    Bev-senses-tingling is a more reliable indicator than Tara-senses-tingling.

  9. Love the attention to detail in having Tara’s hair be visibly messier in the fourth panel than in the first panel, in response to it having been pulled back

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