Kink Assessment (Sarah Backstory #1)

9 thoughts on “Kink Assessment (Sarah Backstory #1)

  1. SARAH N O!

    1. Sarah… Maybe?

  2. You see her shark teeth appear here. Previously her teeth were normal before she made the decision to just be honest and up front about her weird lol

  3. Dude needs to RUN. She seems like the *definition* of “don’t stick your d*!k in crazy.”

  4. Last one is the best panel so far

  5. I just noticed that her teeth are normal right up until she discovers her kink and then she has shark teeth for the rest of the comic

  6. So I guess this is why she is the way she is.

  7. The full clarity and self-awareness of how she is being viewed from the outside-in is so what makes this character so great. :p

  8. Sarah is just Azula if she was a loveable sex maniac

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