Making Friends #10

13 thoughts on “Making Friends #10

  1. a reader among thousands

    So far, the succubus is the only potential friend that didn’t had sexual thoughts…

    1. well, the succubus was just trying to keep some separation between work and home life :}

      1. Michael Steamweed

        The succubus is an accomplished, professional business person.

  2. Yay, awkward situations !

  3. I guess you could call that a…… swing and a miss!

  4. I feel like this will end awkward but well

  5. Witch of many Jobs

    Face it, Beverly, you are just giving off that vibe.

  6. Michael Steamweed

    Swingers!? Oh no! That’s almost as perverted as (gasp!) boardgamers!!!

  7. Sarah is part succubus. It all makes sense.

  8. Maybe they should just lean into the “friends with benefits” situation.

  9. being gay and monogamous is hard!

    1. That’s what *he* said!

  10. They really should have known that targeting couples would make them look like swingers.

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