Making Friends #3

11 thoughts on “Making Friends #3

  1. Well played, Bev. Well played.

  2. Bev knows exactly how to handle the situation

  3. Time to find a hobby that has a club

    1. In the grim darkness of the far future…

      1. Oh by the Gods, now i want to see Beverly as a bulky Fem Marine while Tara is trying to fill out a Guard uniform. xD

  4. Michael Steamweed

    They know each other — and what works — so well.

  5. Witch of many Jobs

    I mean, a lot of people would go weak in the face of Beverly.

  6. I keep feeling like Steven’s visual design is a reference to a dog from some other comic or a cartoon or something, but I can’t figure out what. Or maybe I’m just getting confused from seeing some of these randomly on twitter before I realized they were all done by the same person and part of the same thing. Or possibly just my brain making a huge reach and mixing him up with Snowy from Tintin.

    1. Steven looks a bit like Snowy, Tintin’s dog. (And to show how well-known Snowy is, I don’t even read Tintin.)

  7. I love how great and seemingly frictionless their relationship is. And how they seem to be just as in love and horny after getting married. So much media wants to insert needless drama into relationships, especially married ones.

  8. I think they would better off going to a hobby shop. But this might be cause I want see Tara nerd out over like 40k or battletech minis.

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