Making Friends #9

19 thoughts on “Making Friends #9

  1. Y’know, knowing Tara, she probably would’ve made the witch worse!

  2. True. Truth.

  3. they’re going to mow the lawn and stare across the fence at each other, aren’t they ?

  4. I now can see them act “friendly” so her boyfriend don’t catch the fact she’s a witch ! Would have been fun!

  5. I dunno. I think you could still get a redemption arc out of this. Mos of them start off as, “I don’t wanna and you can’t make me” and turn into, “Besties forever.” Give it time.

  6. Michael Steamweed

    We’ve got five (5) full months of shenanigans to save up for, before HalloMoon2024!

  7. I love that she adds in the October meeting like it should be obvious and they should keep their schedules open.

  8. I wonder if we’ll get the witch’s name in this arc?

  9. “I’m allowed to have a person life”? What? I suppose she has to get those precious bodily fluids from somewhere if she is only trying to trap women in her domain. I think Mr. New Neighbor should be careful he is not too drained by his girlfriend.

    1. I’ve heard a tale about succubi turning into a woman and boning some random stableboy to get his semen, then shapeshifting into a women’s husband and boning her, using the stableboy’s semen in the act.

      How else could the newest child of a good Christian lady who never cheated on her husband look so much like the stableboy?

  10. Wait…. no more? I read through the entire comic in two days?? What will I do with myself now???

    1. Why, you could, uh, spackle the den… martinize your shorts. You could play horsey with your pet Crocostimpy.

  11. Witch of many Jobs

    Sometimes it is not meant to be. Nice though that she will continue the October tradition. I still wonder though, what does a Succubus do for the other eleven months?

    1. i assume she spooks other people in thematically appropriate ways based on the season. or maybe she has a regular job she does when she is not spooking peoples.

  12. Bold of her to assume Tara and Beverly have ANY control over where Steven goes/manifests.

    1. I mean, the foreshadowing of them becoming good friends was already deployed, when she brought Steven into it, it was fated.

      I’m putting money into him being the reason they become friends now.

  13. Next Halloween is gonna feel strange after seeing her across the street for a year.
    I love that while she does not want to deal with them anymore than necessary, she is still planning to do something for Halloween.

  14. What kind of story will Ms Witch tell Mr Boyfriend about why they neighbors stay away :{

  15. The demon is giving Tara the same judgy look that Penny gave to Sarah, when she came back from the lake without her bikini top.

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