Noah and Sarah’s Night Out #1

10 thoughts on “Noah and Sarah’s Night Out #1

  1. Gregina Bogosian.

    There eyes are going off in different directions before they even start drinking. They should put the tequila down and go to a neurologist right now.

  2. What could possibly go wrong?

    Slightly unrelated to the comic, it seems the RSS feed here isn’t working. doesn’t show anything in it beyond the metadata for the feed. I don’t have a Twitter, so didn’t know how else to reach out about it

    1. For anyone seeing this in the near future, try the URL for the RSS feed.

  3. Oh lord… this’ll be interesting to say the least

  4. Their eyes are going in opposite directions even before they drink any alcohol. So they should put the tequila down and make an appointment to go see a neurologist.

    1. Being silly gives you strabism
      Also super strength

  5. This is going to go interesting places.

  6. She’s able to go for “strictly social affairs”. Is the most surprising thing about it.

  7. These two need a spinoff

  8. This will go so wrong!
    There’ll be fire, explosions, jaywalking.

    Let’s do this.

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