Over for Dinner #3

24 thoughts on “Over for Dinner #3

  1. Not gonna lie, I adore the idea that they’ve committed to fucking with them with their friends(sibling, in Noahs case) without actually going the extra mile beyond appearances.

  2. It’s all seeming a bit shrill on their part. I hope they will be okay

  3. The best way to fuck with someone is to play it completely straight and make it seem as normal as possible.

  4. Come on Tara

  5. I think Sarah is an accountant, right?

  6. I’m betting on this either being a comedy bit or the house is cursed.

    1. But the witch did not think the house was haunted when she sold it them :}


      1. she also didnt think that her entire side-dimension wasnt unraveling because of her issues with everything changing.

  7. Tara made great strides unravelling her issues with her mom on the separate thanksgivings arc. I hope she can make a measure of peace with Noah, even though the Drama Tag makes for better stories.

  8. DAMN those hot dogs look good! Now I want a hot dog.

  9. I’m so with Beverly on seeing where this goes.

    1. Same…if they dip, I riot.

      Though, to be fair, it’d be a hell of a troll on Nort’s part to set up a story and then give no payoff, and I’d have to tip my hat to his channeling his inner Noah…

      While rioting.

  10. This 50s couple bit has lasted for 2 strips longer than I expected.

  11. Hmm – should we read anything into the different colour speech bubble for Bev there at the end?
    And is anyone else wondering when the Lord of BORF is going to show up?

    1. It could mean she’s whispering/speaking quietly.

  12. How do you end up with dinner being late… and it’s just hotdogs? The story is just whack and I love it 🙂

  13. The feast of screms

    Finally! A good “man and woman move into a house together but neither are slightly intrested in the other” scene. Every male/female friendship is twisted in a romance!

  14. The hot dogs are obviously alluding to IKEA

    1. Statistically, 1 in 10 Europeans were conceived on an IKEA bed.

  15. Witch of many Jobs

    They joke about the food being rather plain but there is a certain art to grilling a good sausage.

  16. Michael Steamweed

    Now I’m wondering more what Noah and Sarah do for jobs. Or, if Noah isn’t jobbing, what he does.

    1. Noah is a student/barista. Sarah is an accountant. That might account for Sarah being the breadwinner of the “family”

  17. What does Sarah do for a living?

    1. She’s an accountant according to the characters page

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