Professional Kickborfing

16 thoughts on “Professional Kickborfing

  1. Steven is the floof that borfs in the night

  2. Why is the drawing of the mugger losing his tooth below the rest of the comic?

    1. Harout Mardirosian

      So we can make it our Discord Avatar!

    2. It’s art.

    3. Because it’s awesome.

    4. They were probably proud of it so they wanted to show it again.

    5. You’re right, it should be at the top

  3. It wouldn’t surprise me if steven really could do that. I mean he can teleport or maybe just deactivate ninja mode, to suddenly appear next to someone when called. Kickborfin wouldn’t be that wild for him.

  4. Witch of many Jobs

    Everybody was kung fu fighting!
    Those borfs were fast as lightning!

  5. Because he got kicked so hard he landed outside of the comic.

  6. Because it’s funny?

  7. For Imgur reaction graphics.

  8. So Steven is part Boxer.

  9. New reaction image drops.

  10. I’m pretty sure the image is at the bottom because Nort messed something up when uploading and put the comic icon as part of the comic.

  11. Steven: Last Action Canine

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