Roommates #5

7 thoughts on “Roommates #5

  1. Remember the Friends episode where they were moving the sofa upstairs? “Pivot!”

  2. This is why those lovely little deliverable foam mattresses were invented. We just got one, and it was an easy job for two people to wrangle it up the stairs.

  3. They might as well get married now or at least start dating, they’ve already partaken in some of the most bonding of relationship trials.

  4. Michael Steamweed

    I remember the last apartment building I lived in. I was on the 3rd floor; we had no elevator. Oy veh.

  5. Witch of many Jobs

    As somebody with a sister who refuses to move into any place lower than the third floor I know their pain.

  6. I discovered this series yesterday and read all the pages in one swoop, took me 1 to 2 hours reading.
    I never knew i could get hooked so quickly in a slice of life webcomic! Neither that a silly lesbian pair would have so much characters with so much life on them!
    This is awesome and i’m excited for the future! Also, is there a way to see the total number of pages? I just wanna know how much this whole thing has.

  7. Random Commenter number idk

    Last panel sums it up nicely why one of the things i look for in furniture are how easy it is to dissemble to manageable sections or how lightweight it is…
    (hauled furniture for a living for a year)

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