Roommates #7

20 thoughts on “Roommates #7


  2. These two are obscenely cute

  3. So if this was a German story, I’d bet on them getting actually married to pay less taxes. But I’m not sure US taxes work the same

    1. Not inherently. If income between the couple is extremely uneven, it can save money, but there’s some work involved in making the determination.

  4. And with that, I’m all caught up!
    Who knew that scrolling lewds on Twitter (X?) would lead me to a whole new webcomic to enjoy!

  5. Michael Steamweed

    And now I am desperate for next comic to depict these two together in the shower, cleaning each other (in a seemingly platonic fashion, of course).

  6. So it begins….

  7. One of the benefits of showering with a friend is they can really give your back a good scrub, ooh heaven ๐Ÿคค!

  8. They’re so fuckin cute. If they end up together, I am happy. If they just stay really good and intimate friends, I am happy too. Its a win-win to see how they’ve grown closer ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. well now I’m invested! Good art, fun writing, really looking forward to seeing how this goes!

  10. NOOOO! I’ve read the entire thing in one day and now I’m up to date!

  11. Aw, feelings!

  12. Just to say, I enjoy your comics! Thanks.

  13. I don’t know if they’re in love or not but they’re definitely married

  14. Hope we get to watch this time. I love the wholesome but we haven’t had actual porn in so long

  15. They have a chaotic neutral influence on each other. It’s definitely *a form* of influence. Just Neither good or bad.

  16. Can these two just admit that they’re actually kinda in love with each other? Male and female friends/roommates do NOT just sleep in the same bed.

  17. Omg. Since when does Stephen write instruction manuals for building beds I mean Iโ€™m not surprised that he does but itโ€™s interesting.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  18. Is this what’s called “a queer-platonic relationship”?

  19. Shouldn’t the bed be a Bรธrf?

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