Roommates #8

30 thoughts on “Roommates #8

  1. Please, make the next chapter a post “omfg we did it” one, without the inbetween (and then make a saga to expand on it, of course)

    I really like your comic 🙂

  2. It’s always so cute when they’re the last to know

  3. You just bully your readers instead. 😛

  4. Found this comic on Twitter remember seeing occasional strips of it and today have binged the whole thing. A truly great comic.

  5. I was actually expecting a panel of them cuddling in their sleep

  6. “They were roommates”

  7. that last line was a violation bruh

  8. Trans shirt!

  9. Please please please can they kiss just once, I’m on bended knee

  10. This is such a tease, and I love it 🤣

    I do really want to know what they think they’ve got going on though 🤔

  11. “Everybody is very much alike, really. But fortunately, perhaps, they don’t realize it.” (Miss Marple / Agatha Christie)

  12. Is Noah trans?

    1. Yes, it’s mentioned on the characters page.

      1. Thank you for sharing that page with us.

        The best part is all the “Government Black-Out” text in Steven’s bio. 😀

  13. Platonic relationships for the win!!

  14. They are basically married. This is how my wife and I work

  15. inevercheckmyemails

    The “Random Comic” button of this website only goes to the first comic(or roommates 8). Either that or I’m extremely unlucky. Enjoying your comics btw!

  16. trans colours sleeping t-shirt seems like a preeeeeeetty big hint

  17. Enigmatic and yet very cute! You draw the most wholesome sexy people.

  18. Thank you for ending it this way, instead of the more predictable route of them actually realizing they are in love or something like that. As someone on the AroAce spectrum, it’s nice to see different types of relationships like theirs.

  19. More Roomate storyline

  20. This is just way too wholesome.

  21. Love it

  22. Are they even sure what it is they’ve got going on?

  23. 🏳️‍⚧️

  24. I love nontraditional relationships. They are such goals.

  25. I’m calling it now, they’re gonna get married purely for tax purposes

  26. Yeah, they got that queerplatonic out whatever going on. Good for them. It seems Right.

  27. I would like to see what kinda shower conversations they have, I feel like Noah would be talking about the most random things like Tara does laying in bed

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