Ruining the Immersion (Therapy)

15 thoughts on “Ruining the Immersion (Therapy)

  1. As a fellow arachnophobe, I already feel a familiar fear-tingle. Hoping for cute spider-plushie in the box.

  2. Witch of many Jobs

    Good thing she got the warning before she made a huge mistake.

  3. Yeah, i feel Bev here. I also suffer from pretty strong Arachnophobia. Managed to get it a little bit under control since i moved into my own flat and now have to kill my own spiders, but i’m only managing because my walls are white and empty, so the spiders are clearly visible with no place to hide, the spiders are relatively small, and i found a tool that basically gives me a 100% chance to instantly kill a spider if i get a clean shot, without overly exposing myself…

  4. And reality has ruined yet another good idea.

  5. Wise choice Tara, wise choice.

  6. Gonna be a bit disappointed if the “Characters” listing in the comic archive doesn’t include “Big Frickin’ Spider”. Not gonna lie.

  7. Well, at least she tried.

  8. Did you know you appear to have incorrectly-configured RSS?

  9. I will say if someone is afraid of spiders have em look at jumping spiders. They are incredibly cute and harmless.

  10. a small bottle of water

    Damn, I hope this comic hasn’t been abandoned, it’s so freaking good. =(

  11. Truly a situation where I’m both

  12. so, last week i had a giant fucking Spider on my wall all of a sudden, and after staring at it for 30 minutes frozen in abject terror, i crushed it with a Table. It was sitting at shoulder height on an empty wall, so access was not a problem, but i could not physically approach closer than about 2 meters because i would literally freeze in fear. But i could use the table as a shield, both physical and, more importantly, optical. So i could approach without seeing it, and yet be entirely sure i would definitely kill it in a single blow. That was a fucking traumatic experience i tell you.

    1. justchillinreading

      a table? ( defintally agree with the freezing in fear thing, im the same way) but a table? what kinda fucked up adrelinle did you have or are you a body builder

      1. it was a small coffee table made of light wood. weighed almost nothing. I have absolute Noodle Arms.

  13. Purple Library Guy

    My wife is a bit like that, but luckily she has me to do the glass-and-a-piece-of-paper trick and put them outside.

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