Sarahnormal Activity #1

11 thoughts on “Sarahnormal Activity #1

  1. Witch of many Jobs

    Steven is gonna bust so many ghosts!

  2. The 3 most chaotic beings in this series banding together to explore a haunted house? This arc’s gonna be good.
    (btw, I’m a first time commenter but long time lurker, and I have to say this is one of my favorite webcomics. Thank you author!)

  3. Welp.
    It WAS going to just be a ‘creepy night in a cold and dark abandoned house’ with naught more than cold drafts and doors blown shut and the house frame itself creaking from the night wind, but now that Steven is present, the sheer aura of his power will feel like an intangible challenge to whatever supernatural entities abound, and they will seek to wreak their malevolent wrath upon these puny mortals…

    …only to be foiled by Steven at every turn, and the duo are going to come away from this with vague suspicions, but still nothing conclusive one way or the other about the supernatural.

    1. You forget that Sarah can understand Steven.

    2. or we’re getting another Episode of Steven, Attorney at paranormal Law.

  4. The first mystery to solve is how some of the broken pieces of glass in the windows are still floating in place 😛

  5. And here I thought it was a Phasmaphobia reference

  6. Missed opportunity to call this comic arc SarahNoah Activity.

  7. Haven’t they played Phasmophobia? Always drop a crucifix in the ghost room

  8. Will they have sex guys?? 😋

  9. Ghost, girl in purple top, guy in brown pants, dog, MYSTERIES! Are we about to Scooby-Doo!

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