Sarahnormal Activity #4

16 thoughts on “Sarahnormal Activity #4

  1. Witch of many Jobs

    Lesson 1: ghosts are real.
    Lesson 2: They seem to be from all over time

  2. If they quite working, she will have to start buying her own drinks? OH NOES!

  3. Ghosts: Nortverse Edition!

  4. I want to see more of these ghosts and their relationship dynamic, ngl.

  5. The melons are expired

    1. Michael Steamweed

      But how far past their printed expiration date are they still safe for consumption? This is critical information!

  6. God Noah, go for the throat why don’t ya? That was harsh

  7. Damn, even the power of titties loses to beings’ best friend.

    1. Fair tbh, dogs are cool as hell

  8. Is this entire Storyline just an elaborate setup to get Sarah a Cat?

  9. the only way i know to restart a set of boobs to get them working again is to become pregnant.

    1. I think you’re onto something..

  10. Don’t worry, Sarah, there’s an alternative to becoming an old maid that I think you’ll enjoy: becoming a cougar.

    1. Considering how Sarah is, I’m fairly sure she’d enjoy that option.

  11. Whatever their relationship is you know they are close given how casually Noah went for the throat there

  12. need a spin of of ghost girl now thanks

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