Sarahnormal Activity #5

15 thoughts on “Sarahnormal Activity #5

  1. Oh no, I love cave girl!

  2. I love cave girl

  3. “Special Wolf”
    Narrator: “A very special wolf. Hey! Put the wings, halo and flaming sword away.”

  4. To be fair, Sarah, most of the people you’ve used them on were still living, so…

  5. OK so ghosts and succubi can understand Steven but us mortals just hear “borf”.

    1. but there is so much meaning in that “borf”

    2. a reader among thousands

      It’s Steven who decide who can understand him, and when they can.

      Remember the wedding (#10 & #11), Sarah understood Steven when he explained that he was unable to fix the gas leak, and that it was a dangerous situation due to the old fuse box.
      And I’m still not sure if, in the last panel of #11, Sarah is scared because of the situation, or because she clearly understood what Steven said.

  6. Unga BUNGA.

  7. Witch of many Jobs

    What are the odds cave girl over here is an ancestor of Beverly´s?

    1. I dunno, she looks a lot like Penny to me.

  8. Michael Steamweed

    I love the two ghosts! Now I need their names!

    1. Cave girl has Sarah’s teeth.

      1. More importantly, she has biceps

  9. Cave Girl lesbian, and maybe susceptible to boob?

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