Screamlined Methods #13

36 thoughts on “Screamlined Methods #13

  1. When in doubt hugs it out.

  2. Awww, this is nice… also, hey! Steve is back! And apparently he can navigate and travel through dimension and endless maces of chaos and lust… good boy!

  3. Witch of many Jobs

    Steven arrives with a whole gaggle of naked succubi. What a good boy!

    1. Michael Steamweed

      All dogs should be that good at fetching!

  4. a reader among thousands

    All Witch need is love, la lalala lala.

    She was depressed by the changes, feeling totally useless, and her boyfriend dumped her. Satan! A succubus dumped by her boyfriend, is there worse fate?

  5. And so the day is saved! All thanks to the power of emotional support

  6. Steven changes collar color a as a disguise 🤣🤣

    1. It turned into Scooby-Doo’s collar

  7. In fairness, a bunch of naked succubi hugging me and telling me affirmations would probably calm me down, too.
    Sarah def wants to keep the Morticia dress that she magically stays inside of. XD

    1. Michael Steamweed

      Tape. It does a body, er, keeps a body inside.

  8. Glad to see Tara has the right priorities in panel 4.

  9. Idk, the moral seems to be crammed in last second. Especially whiplash-y because its also the reason to show boobs. Feels like there was no overarching theme, nor any buildup towards the “I hate change” “Its okay, change can be diffucult”. Weirdly out of touch.

  10. Wait, why did Steven’s collar changed colors? Does he gained new ability???

    1. well, just about everyone else’s clothes changed, why not Steven’s ?

      A collar counts as clothes, right ?

      1. It changed to Scooby’s collar, to match Tara and Bev. That’s nice that the spooky costume changer considers them family.

        1. Oh yeah indeed!!!!

    2. It’s Scooby Doo’s collar since they’re all getting costumes.

    3. It’s Scooby’s collar. To fit with Tara and Beverly’s costume! Bravo on the little details btw.

  11. Shinji, Tara and Beverly were the only one’s whose outfits didn’t change upon entering the core so I assumed it’s just to do with that
    (I’m on mobile, does anyone know how to actually do replies to comments?)

  12. “We understand you’re upset and we’re sorry we couldn’t see it before.”
    That line kinda mirrors what the witch was saying a few strips ago – that if the girls had just talked to her she’d have listened. An interesting parallel.

  13. Steven being best boy once again.

  14. Steven’s collar changed to Scooby-Doo’s collar so now he matches the girls. Guess they didn’t change since already in costume, now everyone is ready for the party.

  15. Awwww wholesome solution!

  16. I’m still interested in knowing more about what Steven was doing with the clipboard, what is so unusual about Sarah and how she got sucked into this mess with Noah.

  17. Steven brought the Calvary.

  18. Sorry about the typo, it’s Cavalry that Steven summoned.

  19. thats it? kind of a weak arc, not gonna lie.

  20. Seraph Borf saves the day again

  21. Is no one going to note or comment about Beverly and Boah becoming Morticia and Gomez Adams??

    1. I think we mostly did that on the previous entry, when it happened.

      *click* *click*

  22. I love that Tara and Beverly’s outfits didn’t change, because dressing like Velma and Daphne is already horny af 😂

    1. steven needs a scooby snack

  23. Awwww!!! I’m so glad for her, and all of them <3 (also wow they're hot <3) good bad gorls deserve happy endings like this <3

  24. I SAW THAT SCOOBY COLLAR CHANGE, also nice, Gomez and morticia outfits 😀

  25. I love how Noah’s surprise/disappointment reflects the one in some of the comments. Even though the absence of a “showdown” was exactly how things ended before too!

  26. I’m torn on calling the demons Stevens angels or the Steven rangers.

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