Serious Roleplay

8 thoughts on “Serious Roleplay

  1. “Straight to prison”… Oh, I don’t think there’ll be anything “straight” about it.

  2. My wife and I are both writers…yeahhh. :\

  3. Straight to Horny Jail, the both of you.

  4. “Geek” and “Freak” are like “Bare” and “Bear” IN SEVERAL WAYS!
    1) Each pair rhymes.
    2) Approached wrongly, you can get in trouble with either set. (I may freak out and geek out, but spare the insults, the neck’s not a pencil and I have as much social awareness as my mental state allows, thank-YEW!)
    3) Confusing the two of either pair may get downright strange. Harlan Ellison spoke of the hazards of confusing “Bear” and “Bare”, while the lovely ladies getting their Geek on while trying to get their “Freak” on is a picture perfect example of the issue.

  5. Gotta work out the logistics of it beforehand

  6. This is actually something I wondered if people actually do.

    That is — do some couples plan out their RP to such an extent, they play it out in public, outside, and run the script from all the points, until it lands them in bed?

    Like in this instance, Imagine if Tara would be sneaking about outside in her prisoner garb, and after an hour Beverly finds her, a chase commences, etcetc…..
    Just a random thought. :u

  7. Yes I also have this problem when I’m writing serious porn. it’s not just people getting off, there jas to be some worldbuilding in place first.

  8. There’s serious porn?

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