Strange Bedfellows #1

25 thoughts on “Strange Bedfellows #1

  1. Michael Steamweed

    1. She’s a cat! Noah gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom; Sarah has to follow. 😀
    2. I love seeing these two in the mornings!

    1. My bunny does that too. <3

  2. Witch of many jobs

    Their power is great but even boobs have a limit.

  3. Huh. Does this mean that Noah might be asexual? Because as someone who’s ace, I’d be 100% here for that, I love their friendship <3

    1. That’s always been my guess, and they just pretend to be dating to fuck with people. I mean, earlier on it was pretty explicit that they were just fucking with people.
      It would be odd to share a bed in that case though

    2. I commented here before joining in your speculation, but oddly I don’t see it here after I came back to say this:
      Yes, on the character bios it says he is asexual 🙂

  4. When will these two get married and say i love you but convince themselves they arent in a relationship?

  5. Does she know he is Asexual

    1. Noah isn’t asexual, he’s straight. Says so in his character bio, unless he actually is asexual and Nort just hasn’t updated it

    2. Noah is straight, as per his character bio.

    3. Is he actually? I don’t recall seeing it mentioned before and thought their situation was them mutually oblivious to each other as far as sexual attraction.

      1. nope; his bio on the Characters page directly says he’s straight.

        1. Which could refer to his romantic or aesthetic interest. Sexual stuff would be a different axis on that spectrum.

        2. @Lexi he has mostly been shown lot of sign of being straight. And called himself a shameless pervert. (if anything he would be *more* likely aromantic).
          He is most likely, just not at all looking at Sara specifically, in that way.
          Also if he was Heteromantic asexual, his bio would most likely say that rather than just “straight” with no further specificacion. Of course, maybe Nortuet just changed his mind since then, but until proven otherwise, it’s safe to assume Noah is just straight.

        3. As of today it looks like his bio has been updated, as it now says that he’s asexual.

  6. Love there whatever it is relationship. It’s sweet

  7. Are Sarah and Noah in a sexual relationship? Or do they just have a convenient relationship that is little more than being friendly roommates?

    1. Their interactions in the Family Gathering story line certainly imply that they are having sex.

      1. @Adeon, It has since then been confirmed to not be the case.
        reread roommates (
        Basically they get along really well, people assume they must be in a relationship or should be in one, but they don’t look at each other that way. (And Noah at least is perfectly aware that they give that impression). They also both enjoy shenanigans, so making Tara and Bev wonder what’s going on might be intentional.
        They’re really good friend whose style of crazy complement each others really well.

  8. Their relationship is like an onion: made of ogres.
    Noah seems pretty solidly asexual, or at least has a low enough sex drive that he doesn’t mind ignoring it. Sarah’s always had a complicated relationship with her sexuality, which she enjoys flaunting but is also bored by how easy it makes actually landing a sexual partner.
    I do believe them when they say they’re not dating. At a base level their personalities click, but it seems like they’re most vibing on being able to be ‘off’ with each other. Sarah knows Noah isn’t trying to sneak into her pants, and Noah knows that Sarah ‘gets’ that he’s not on the constant hunt for poon. They can hang out and be completely honest with each other and not have to worry about wrecking any chances about anything.

  9. Remember when Sarah would have been topless? Remember when anyone was nude? good times.

    1. Well, I mean, the rather early comic “Sarah’s Morning Routine” shows that she’s not usually topless first thing in the morning.

    2. I actually doubt Sarah as ever been seen fully nude. Tara and Bev are the one we see naked.
      And I haven’t heard anything about that not being a thing anymore.
      they went to a nudist beach in their honeymoon.

      1. Does the art class count?

  10. After rereading older comics, it makes perfect sense that they would get along really well, but at the same time not bang.
    Sarah is actually very uninterested in sex unless her partner is equal part horny and terryfied of the possibility that she is crazy. Noah has enough wackiness on his own and the right mix of being a perv and not being a perv that he wouldn’t panic.

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