Strange Bedfellows #2

14 thoughts on “Strange Bedfellows #2

  1. I am smiling way too much at the “ah, it’s one of these” as if this has happened before

  2. Michael Steamweed

    Oh gods, panel two! I laughed for a half minute on that. Couldn’t read the rest of it until I had recovered.

  3. “One of these?” Has she done this before?

    1. Quite possibly.

  4. They work as a pairing, but not as a couple. They get each other for the most part, and have good interplay. They just have very different goals from a sexual angle that they’d not work, I think.

    1. I respectfully disagree. I know couples that seem to have irreconcilable differences, yet they work great together. Granted, I’m a sucker for romance, but I’d still like to see that dynamic played with in this series.

  5. Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor

    I think part of the reason why Sarah is becoming more and more intimate and clingy to Noah is because Noah continues to NOT make moves on her. He keeps proving time and time again that he’s not just interested in her cause she’s hot, and that causes her to trust him more and more as a friend. I think Sarah might even be developing an unhealthy attachment to Noah as the only straight man she’s ever trusted.

  6. Witch of many jobs

    You got to at least respect the effort she went into just to make this presentation.

  7. “You’ve been very very naughty”

  8. Is it dick? Does she want dick? Or doughnuts?

    1. No, she wants him to wake up later because she doesn’t want to wake up earlier or stay in bed after he got up. She is, in fact, not making sexual demands.

  9. All this because Noah doesn’t stay in bed with her?

  10. Not quite sure why Noah has suddenly been declared to be asexual. I’m straight, thank you very much, and Noah is more sexually pro-active than me.

    If it’s because of his refusal to be seduced by boobs (last page), that doesn’t mean he’s uninterested. Just that he has other priorities. I was once importuned by a flatmate to pay her rent (and she was offering more than “playing with her boobs.”) I refused. Not because I wasn’t interested, I just didn’t think it was worth it. OK, my libido may be lower than other males’, but it’s still there.

    To be honest, I’ve seen a lot of myself in Noah. I find it a little disappointing to see him written off as “asexual.”

    1. I mean, Unless Nortuet has declared something that i don’t know of on twitter or elswhere , Noah is straight. His character bio say so, Tara as always acted with the assumption that he is (and i assume she’d know if he wasn’t). The point is that he just don’t look at Sarah in that way. (And likely have enough self-control to not be swayed by boobs.)

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