Strange Bedfellows #4

39 thoughts on “Strange Bedfellows #4

  1. The 3rd panel made my day better and crying. I’m not joking

  2. Oh man, that third panel just about killed me. Sara not even knowing what she wanted, and then finding it with Noah. And them watching stuff together, this is SO GOOD! X3

  3. This is wholesome, I like

    1. This whole comic is soo wholesome it makes me cry in the best way

  4. It took me a minute to realize the talking horse is Bojack.

    1. Despite Bojack Horseman being one of my favorite shows of all time and one I am always ready to talk about at least, my immediate thought was Mr. Ed.

  5. So basically, Sarah’s ideal partner is ‘snarky but huggable’. I really like the dynamic those two have – although I’d still love to see a Noah-Sarah “getting drunk -> getting frisky -> getting pregnant -> getting seriously freaked-out”-story.

    1. Funny as that might be, there might be certain biological hindrances to them getting pregnant together.

  6. For two people who aren’t in a relationship, panel 3 is definitely peak relationship goals.

    1. And it took me WAY too long to figure out what show they were talking about in panel 4.

      1. what show? i need answers!

      2. Bojack Horseman?

  7. Open communication of needs? Respect? Compromise and consideration? What is this, the perfect couple?

    1. Michael Steamweed

      Can they do this? Is this even legal?!

  8. Witch of many jobs

    I would actually love to have somebody to cuddle with and watch movies with. Don´t even need to a contract for it.

    1. I don’t think it’s a contract as much as they’ve written down their desires and ideas so they can better communicate what they’re looking for.

  9. The impression I’m getting is that they’re both somewhere on the aro and ace spectrums. Nate is more firmly asexual (but was performatively horny before he figured himself out) whereas Sarah is sex-positive (she clearly had little issue with having sex with people, but she wanted physical/sensual contact and was mixing that up with sexual desire). With each other they’re finding that they can have the parts of a romantic relationship they each want (Nate wants someone to share his interests with, Sarah wants someone she can trust to cuddle without pressure for more, both presumably enjoy having company and someone to share bills and other responsibilities with) without the parts that they dislike (labels, dates, etc).

    1. I mean, in the characters thing, it does state that Nate is asexual. I don’t see where ‘aro’ comes into it since you’re saying that they’re both basically asexual, though.

      Sarah doesn’t actually have a listed sexuality though and in her previous characters thing, it did say that the thing that excited her was making people think that she was basically like a serial killer.

      1. I’m getting ‘aro’ from them both firmly being against labeling it as them being a couple or a romantic relationship, even though by many people’s standards it could be considered one.

        1. …That’s not aromantic, dude. There’s plenty of people who don’t wanna put a label on their relationship for various reasons, like if they feel that labelling themselves as a couple would make things more complicated.

    2. I think they’re Demiromantic. Nate being Asex, and Sarah being Sarah, this is a relationship they can both be comfortable and happy with.

  10. Love their whatever relationship(maybe one could label it as a queer platonic relationship? I don’t know) just so wholesome

    1. Demiro?

  11. Are they watching Bojack Horseman? Loved that show 😅

  12. This is extremely wholesome for something with Sarah in it.

    1. Even chaos gremlins need downtime.

  13. In which I am Ted from scrubs. Because I’m angry that other people have the happiness that I want. Damn them.

    Also congrats on the new….. “couple”(?)

  14. Demiromantic relationship. Physical closeness and emotional care, but no sex.

    1. that’s not what demiromantic means lol, stop replying to everyone with this

  15. I’m waiting for the inevitable page where we find out that Sarah’s intimacy cravings/issues are because of a shitty upbringing and/or several rough spots during her teenage years.

  16. What show are they watching?

  17. And if I’m reading everything right, sarah hasn’t gone hunting since they moved in together according to the convo with the pregger one

    1. The pregger one XD Nice name for Penny
      But yeah, Sarah hasn”t been hunting since they’ve been in a relationship (platonic relation tho) i guess she doesn’t feel the need since she get the emotional attention from Noah

  18. Really appreciate the direction this is going. I’m an aroace person and these past few pages have made me a bit emotional in a good way; I can’t think of another story with characters who have this dynamic. Thank you.

  19. Gods damn panel three hit like a truck only to be run over by a Bojack Horseman joke.

  20. FINALLY!!!! i wanted them to have something! i needed this! aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


  22. Sarah could walk in holding a neon sign saying “don’t try to label this” and people are still going to try.

  23. This melts my cold heart.

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