Strange Bedfellows #5

17 thoughts on “Strange Bedfellows #5

  1. This isn’t a relationship. This is a situationship and I’m LOVING IT!

  2. I’m just waiting for them to start socially grooming each other like primates, lol.

    1. I mean… We are primates. Homo sapiens is definitely one of the great apes.

  3. I cant wait to see others character when they found this new situation!! it will be really fun

  4. Witch of many jobs

    Cuddles can be highly addictive.

    1. Michael Steamweed

      Non-sexual and safe physical affection and intimacy is very underrated.

  5. Kaioken times -10

    I love this. Physical intimacy and love doesnt have to be lewd. And it is also a really good illustration of asexuality as not being averse to physical affection, the most common iteration of it in popular media.

    These two have a healthy, communication based relationship that satisfies their different needs. Though I still wonder if Sarah is still incredibly voracious in her formerly well established hobby

  6. When backed up with “I’ll just cuddle you even harder” the sawtooth teeth are remarkably wholesome.

  7. So this is all about that she is learning that man are not just one use sex toys and he is learning that there is more interesting stuff around woman than boobas? And both learning that a relationship can be something totally different from what they thinking it is supposed to be?

    Anyway, this feels wholesome AF!

  8. Physical intimacy is the most potent drug I’ve ever been addicted to….. And we don’t wanna go down that list, trust me. What’s really amusing is someone who’s big bad manly man (me) being unable to sleep without being the little spoon in a cuddle and receiving butt rubs.

  9. I Feel like a degenerate for reading porn to find this but im in it for the story now and noah needs to hit dat come on man

  10. Michael Steamweed

    This calm, direct, straightforward communication continues to develop. How unexpect. Very surprise. But can it last??
    (i’m hoping so…if’n i don’t see it in my life, i’m glad to see it in someone’s.)

  11. I envy both of them. Very cute :).

  12. Well that’s a big ol dose of fluff!

  13. Where’s Steven? He’d have this sorted out in no time!

  14. oh look at that noahs finally relaxed enough to have large pupils. thats neat

  15. I really love how these two have grown

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