Strange Bedfellows #6

21 thoughts on “Strange Bedfellows #6

  1. Loooore 🤩

    1. Michael Steamweed

      And spontaneous lore, not with prepared sanitized notepad presentation!

  2. Michael Steamweed

    Yes, Noah. Yes, you do.
    (and by ‘you’ i totally mean ‘me’. so sit down, shut up, and listen.)

  3. It’s time.

  4. Explain her teeth. Explain her teeth! 😀

  5. Noah, Sarah’s teeth are showing. Necessary or not, you are getting the lore dump.

  6. Ah, shit. I caught up. Just started reading this yesterday.

  7. Delicious. Finally some good fucking Sarah lore.



  9. Perhaps also an opportunity for Sarah to get Noah settled close enough for surreptitious cuddles :}

  10. Yes, she’s in cuddle attack range. Just when you least expect it…

  11. Lore time baby!!

  12. Well Noah’s smart about it at least. And it seems Sarah is sincere, but we’ll see how her dark backstory goes.

  13. I really love this whole scene with them, what great characters.

  14. Discovered this comic today by sheer coincidence, spent the day reading it from start to finish and I am now hooked.

  15. Witch of many jobs

    Grab some popcorn and a drink, you´re going to be here a while.

  16. Now sit right down and you’ll hear a tale
    A tale of a fateful strip

  17. Somewhere along the line, this went from a raunchy sex comedy about two lesbians to a story where I haven’t seen titty or bush in ages and only now paused to notice. That’s some good writing, to make the absence of titty inconspicuous.

  18. I’m just not used to Sara with full eyes, not her little insanity pupils.

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