Strange Bedfellows #8

35 thoughts on “Strange Bedfellows #8

  1. Watch out the pointy teeth are out.

  2. I dunno, I would have a very hard time relaxing with that grin.

    1. Michael Steamweed

      Shark teeth, manic eyes, sudden pounce, and strangle hold…why’s that not relaxing? 😀

      1. I mean I’m the one who falls asleep listening to doom music so maybe it depends on the person.

  3. That is too cute. I love them so much. But yes. That grin is scarousing.

  4. She was doing what in the living room ? gasp !

    1. Using a back massager for its intended purpose, surely.

    2. crossword puzzles

  5. Holy cow, it somehow keeps getting more wholesome by the second.

  6. So this mean they are only roommates and close friends? Not in any kind of sexual relationship?

    1. how many times does Nort have to say they aren’t in a sexual relationship until you guys get it?

      1. N+1 times where N is always equal to the current number of times.

      2. I did not read that comment from Nort at all in the past. 🙂

        1. I think @Fullmetal meant how many times North will have to say it in the comics.. It’s been established several times by now that Sarah and Noah are not in a sexual relationship. (reread “roommate” for context.
          They publicly let a doubt about it flow (see “family gathering”) to mess with their friends, but aren’t actually doing it.

      3. Until they stop being cute together!

    2. It’s just platonic affection or whatever. I could see Sarah being down if Noah showed any interest at all. To me, it seems he just doesn’t care about anything other than shit stirring.

    3. As an asexual person myself, I would personally lean towards describing their relationship as romantic but not sexual. It’s not a sexual relationship, but it’s also not only roommates/close friends.

  7. I absolutely loved this storyline. I was very much looking forward to seeing what became of these two. Thank you for such a wonderful representation of this kind of relationship. I’ve been loving everything so far. Thank you for sharing your art.

  8. i need to see that ONE time, for science

  9. found one of the individual panels posted on imgur today and now…well….here I am.

    1. Same, and I ended up reading from the very start – took a couple of relaxed days at work 🙂

  10. The dialogue is all over the place with the “this” “i want this” “but this is separate from this” “I could have this but I have this”. You can just call things for what they are instead of constantly saying “This”

    1. But it’s more FUN to IMPLY everything. Because… you know… they’re NOT banging like rabbits and they don’t WANT to.

  11. Talking about your wants and needs can result in a better understanding?
    Get outta town.

  12. I also never saw a comment from Nort that they aren’t in or at least interested in a sexual relationship. I’m sure he said that, I just didn’t see it. Also, I don’t remember Noah ever being asexual before, though maybe that’s in patreon or something where apparently there’s occasionally extra panels. I do remember Sarah constantly offering her tits to Noah, and Noah getting all hot for Sarah when he first saw her. But I only read the comics on this site, so maybe there’s more lore in another place I know nothing about.

    1. I do not follow Nort on Patreon or Twitter, so all what i’m going to say apply to the comic only.
      This storyline basically reveal Noah’s assexuality to us (the reader) which recontextualize a lot of his previous actions, and Re-establish what Noah and Sarah’s relationship is like. Hence why you don’t remember it before, it’s the first time it’s brought up. The fact that they are not in a sexual relationship or sexually into each other was present in the comic before, they just pretend to be in public to mess with Sarah (hence why they decide to no one shall know all the emotional growth they went through just now)
      A breakdown of what has happened so far.
      -Christmas Special: Everyone (the characters, in-universe) assumed Noah to be straight, and a perv, including Noah’s sister Tara. because of that Tara was worried that Noah would spend his time trying to geti nto Sarah’s pants. Noah and Sara, both enjoying wacky shenanigans, hit it off pretty quickly and decided to mess with Tara and Bev by pretenting that Sarah was the one interested in Noah. Tara knew all along it was a prank on their part. They legitimately did get along well, though, and keep hanging out later.
      -Family Gathering: Sarah and Noah seems strangely close to each other, making everyone (the characters, and as a result the reader) assume they might be in a relationship (presumably a sexual one, because Noah is known to be a perv, and Sarah to agressively jump anything that move)..
      -(Roommates) At some point Noah and Sarah moved together, Penny assume and Imply to Sarah that they are alreday a couple and just haven’t noticed it themselves. Noah mention in a conversation (thus revealing it to us, the reader) that them looking like they might or might not be in a relationship is “one of the way they mess with people” (because remember, they love shenanigans), this Storyline also establish that while Sarah frequently sleeps in Noah’s bed, they DO NOT have sex.
      -Sarahnormal activity: They go on a ghost hunt together. While the comic did not bring attention to it, thinking back to it, this storyline show Sarah and Noah interacting together in a context where they’re not with the other characters,, and Noah is in fact not perving on Sarah,
      -Strange bedfellows (this one):We get another look on how their relationship works. Kinda establishing that they are more than just roommates (so Penny was onto something with her pregnant-woman wisdom), even if they’re relationship is not a sexual one.
      -Presumably, they’ll keep leaving a doubt planning about it around the other characters until one of them figure out the truth on their own (my bet is on Bev, Penny or one of the parents. Whoever it is, i’m really looking forward to it).

      Usuful aditional reading: -Sarah’s Backstory (“non-fuckale token” and “kink assessment) establish that Sarah was completely uninterested in Sex until college, tried it out of curiosity, then realised that acting extremely unhinged and seing the f*ck or flight response from guys got her going .

  13. Michael Steamweed

    Why, yes, Sarah, that shark-tooth grin and sudden pounce is so very relaxing.

  14. This makes me happy.
    And I’m with Sarah; I hope Noah manages to relax and realise she won’t escalate. She wants affection, not sexual gratification.
    They’re not in a *SEXUAL* relationship, but…

  15. So, everyone. Who do you think will be the first to figure out Noah and Sarah’s true relationship? (Of course Steven is out of the competition, his wisdom is unscrutable.)
    Penny have more hindsight to Sarah’s personality than the other, so she could spot the thread, but she don’t know Noah as well.
    It would be hillarious if Noah and Tara’s parents turned out to have figured he was ace just as they had figured he was trans despite his best efforts to be unpredictable.
    Or a character who barely know them like Conrad just being perceptive enough.

  16. “Ok, but can you like… stop having sharp teeth, because it’s hard to relax with you grinning with them at me.”

    1. Michael Steamweed

      “As expected.”

  17. The character list has changed! His sexuality has been changed to asexual from straight.

  18. my favorite ship, killed by a cheap retcon…

  19. It is so nice to see an ace in a genuinely positive relationship, And a SO who is happy with what they want from others and themselves. This arc has been so lovely to read~

  20. I don’t know if Noah is actually asexual, he’s just not seeking a sexual relationship with Sarah. What we have here is a romantic but functionally asexual relationship. They are indulging in the emotional aspects more than the physical. That may change, or it may not. What’s important is they are happy with where they are.

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