Sunshine Valentine #3

30 thoughts on “Sunshine Valentine #3

  1. I love this situationship

    1. I mean I don’t think there’s anything wrong with calling it a relationship. Romantic/Sexual interest isn’t required for something to classify as a relationship.

  2. These kids are gonna be okay

  3. Even if it don’t happen, I’ll still hope for it.

    1. Dude. Just accept not everyone wants to fuck. Let them be

      1. sooner or later they defo will XD look at how they started and how it went on

    2. Okay, you have some options here. Stop the pitiful and desperate begging for two imaginary characters to have imaginary sex every time they appear; use MS paint to make the porn you want to beat off to yourself; get off the internet and get some help about thirsting over characters online.

      You beg for this every time they appear, EVERY TIME. It is pathetic and it is getting creepy. Have some self respect, get over this or get off the internet and go touch some grass.

    3. Please go away.

    4. Wow…you are just all kinds of still here, huh?

    5. PLEASE go and look up what Asexuality is – just because you’re desperate to have sex with a fictional character, doesn’t mean everyone wants or needs sex, some of us have zero interest in it!

  4. They probably the most fun duo in the comic. Their chemistry is just always so much fun

  5. I don’t need them to fugg.
    But I do need them to kiss.

  6. I’m immediately reminded of that Platonic Love song Joe Hendry did years ago on TNA, and I’m talking before he started the “I Believe in Joe Hendry” gimmick and even before TNA first went through a rebranding as simply iMPACT Wrestling.

  7. On one hand I want them to finally hook up, in the other I don’t cause this is a fun relationship as it is

    1. I think Nort has gone on record as saying “It’s not a ‘will they, won’t they’, they just won’t.”

      1. And it should stay like that. This relationship is such a breath of fresh air.

  8. They are so adorable together!

  9. this is exactly the kind of vibe I want to have with my friends

  10. I wonder if Sarah still has her relationships (or flings, rather) now that she’s in this queer platonic relationship with Noah. They live together, share a bed, and do everything together. Does she still go out on dates or hook ups, and if so, how does that work with their arrangements? Or has Sarah given up seeking sexual attention now, like the soul-searching comic they had a while back led her to move on in some way, I haven’t seen her flirt with a single person, or really be sexual in any direct way, since they started hanging out. I thought they’d act as each others wingmen, but it seems neither of them are interested in perusing anyone else. I’m really interested in learning more about how this friendship has impacted their external intimate relationships.

  11. These 2 are those friends that do so much together that others don’t see how they aren’t a thing but it’s just they don’t have the same boundaries that most do. Just like sports teams seeing each other nude or basically nude and playing and wrestling like that but not actually being Gay or Bi. It’s a level of vulnerability that you wouldn’t expect from like a choir.

  12. I was going to say, THAT counts as ‘some modesty’?

    1. I mean, I don’t see and nipple. Bikinis cover less in most cases.

      1. Would YOU wear a bikini if you were going out to dinner? The context is important.

        1. No, but I can imagine Sarah would

        2. If I’m near a beachfront? … Probably? It’s probably not unexpected.

  13. I can’t decide if they are feeding on each other’s chaotic impulses, or if they have a normalizing effect. They seem like such a stable couple together, but individually they were chaos gremlins.

  14. I want what they have ngl give me this physically intimate friendship with no real couples pressure attached pleaseeee

  15. I don’t really want or need them to have sex. But I would like there to be some kind of confirmation of “yes it is a committed, ace relationship and they do have feelings towards each other” It’s arguably observable via context but, an explicit confirmation would be nice too lol. Mostly because I love their pairing

  16. The story and relationship of these two are on point. Let’s see how or who comes on top. Sarah and her outfits has a sexual side we are waiting to see

  17. I know they aren’t gonna have sex but I need them to kiss fr

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