The Shrieking Mires #10

23 thoughts on “The Shrieking Mires #10

  1. Aaand…this is why I -try- to get my RPG (and particularly D&D) parties to talk first, roll initiative -after-.
    It doesn’t always work, since individuals can have radically different experience of play culture and morality within games, but while you want to make sure your D&D has some combat (that’s what it’s good at), it’s nice when you don’t need to apologise for…murdering a few people you shouldn’t have. (or murdering everyone to cover up the fact that you murdered a few of the wrong people but that’s a great way to lose your hat)

    1. Doing anything other than combat in D&D is difficult, since that’s pretty much the only thing the rules actually cover. But if you want to give talking a chance, you can check out Doctor Who RPG for an idea of how to handle initiative – in DW, talkers always go first, followed by doers, and combatants go last.

      1. It’s only 4th edition that only had combat. There are many, many rules for actions that involve no combat. We’ve had multiple sessions with no combat at all, some of which could have had combat but we talked our way out of.

    2. And any plan in which you lose your hat is a bad plan.

      1. Michael Steamweed

        Alvays lissen to de Jaegerz! Deir visdum iz reliabul!

        1. Heterodyne Lackeys, the lot of ya!

      2. Guy who doesn’t know crap about D&D here. What hat?

        1. A regular hat i think. i think the poster was just joking about how for a player who is a bit too kill-oriented (also known as “Murderhobo”) the most inconvenient part of having to kill a lot of people is the chance of losing your hat in the process.
          That or it might be a slang i’m not aware of.

        2. the Hat stuff has nothing to do with DnD, it’s a reference to the Webcomic “Girl Genius”, which has an Army of very hat-obsessed Monster-Soldiers called Jaegers.

    3. any plan where you lose your hat is a bad plan!

  2. I expected Tara to mess things up, but I should have known Sarah would.

  3. Here’s hoping Colin has revivify or spare the dying.

  4. Oh no, puss lost his boots

    1. Habitually Dubious

      I’m waiting for Donkey’s wife to show up and *really* throw a wrench into the party’s plans.

  5. An incident from Jack and the Kobolds, and what can happen to murder-hobos ;{

  6. Bev just strumming in the background as all of the chaos unfolds is absolutely in character. Don’t worry Tara, just bribe/intimidate/kill the judge and you’ll get off scot-free!!


  8. Michael Steamweed

    If I had a dollar for every single damned time it looked like my gaming group was going to accomplish something peacefully, only to find it damnably wrecked by some Leroy Jenkins shenanigans…I’d have about two hundred dollars. Which is a fair bit.

    1. I mean, in fairness, this is D&D. D&D’s premise, nowadays anyway, is to kill monsters and get XP and loot. That’s the point. If the DM wants a different kind of game they should discuss that ahead of time… and I’d say pick a different game.

  9. Witch of Many Jobs

    When you do nothing and things still go wrong.

  10. As expected, Sarah’s character is the sort to shoot first, and axe questions later.


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