The Shrieking Mires #11

12 thoughts on “The Shrieking Mires #11

  1. Michael Steamweed

    Gotta say, the NPC does have a reasonable viewpoint regarding those lunatics.

  2. Lady Fianna? Oh lord, this is a Shrek campaign.

  3. Bunch of murder hobos. Sheesh. I bet the DM is pulling his hair out at this point.

  4. I can’t believe they killed Ghrek…

    But yeah the NPC definitely has the right idea here.

  5. They’re more insane than the Full Frontal Nerdity group, which is really saying something.

  6. Witch of many jobs

    Chopping peaceful orcs in half is sweaty work.

  7. Shrek Nooo! I mean Ghrek Nooooo!

  8. Honestly, this is very accurate to how DnD campaigns often go.

  9. When the DM reacts to accurately to the players being homicidal mendicants.

  10. … yeah, that’s pretty much like my players too. 😀

  11. Fianna hmm… doesn’t sound at all like Fiona. Not at all…

  12. *sigh*
    Typical D’n’D-group behaviour.

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