The Shrieking Mires #12

23 thoughts on “The Shrieking Mires #12

  1. Witch of many jobs

    Hindsight is 20d20-2

  2. If you have “speak with dead” and also have “talk with animals”…
    Can you ask a leather chair for information ?

    1. no, for “speak with dead” the corpse cannot be too damaged, must be mostly intact

      1. It doesn’t, actually. It just has to “have a mouth, and not be undead”.
        So the speak with animals plan might actually work with, say, a bearskin rug — the creature only speaks the languages it spoke in life (so in the case of an animal, none) but speak with animals lets you converse with an animal as if it had a common language, so maybe.

        1. so a chair definitely does not qualify

        2. Unless the DM thinks it would be funny, right ?
          though, the DM might then tell you that all the chair knows is that someone sat on it. lol

        3. So what about the wooden parts and Speak With Plants?

    2. No, but you can ask an alligator skin belt.

  3. Their party is a DM’s worst nightmare lmao

  4. Michael Steamweed

    They’re being a bit too self-reflective after a game session. I don’t trust it. Hopefully they don’t go so far as to understand Noah’s statement. That would just be terrible!

    1. Not sure about all of them, but Sara is likely not gonna understand anything.

      1. Michael Steamweed

        Sarah is an excellent murderhobo player!

        1. I’m pretty sure that’s a contradiction in terms.

  5. Detective Shirtless

    It’s so funny to me to see Noah being quite a decent DM as far as we can see and the one calling out his players for being murder hobos, despite him having such a chaos gremlin energy irl (or at least in the webcomic’s rl).

  6. The dead say “Fuck you”

  7. Wait, why didn’t Tara’s character tell the others that it was just an Animal Sanctuary? Even if after the fact?

  8. My last DM sessh:

    “quit reading all that stuff you find! Let’s kill the goblins!”

    “But it says they were tricked into coming here and if we can…”

    “ Are the stairs wood? I cast fireball at the stairs!”

  9. Noah, my dude, if you want the party to not kill everyone, I recommend playing a game where killing everyone isn’t incentivized 😛

    1. Or just make the people they have to talk to be way over they capacity to kill. Yea, they can kill some villagers, but let there be consequences when the village chief, an retired fighter, and his husband, an old mage, shows up and brings justice.
      Also, talk with your players before to set up that murder innocents is not ok. For murder-happy players, it’s better a dungeon crawler adventure, where you just kick doors and kills what is on the other side.

      1. Like the land lady in Kung Fu Hustle? She was not one to mess with. She’d slap you so hard your sandals/boots would come flying off. 😀

  10. Eh!? I’m caught up!? Damn, I just spend the last 5 hours reading this. Absolutely worth it tho

  11. Is this the end of the arc? Hmmm.

  12. last session two members of my party decided to rob a store essentially just for fun. when the DM asked what i was doing during this i said “oh yeah i was not in there. i was headed waaaaaaaaay the hell to the other side of town.”

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