The Shrieking Mires #2

14 thoughts on “The Shrieking Mires #2

  1. We’ll stay at Don’tgonearthe Castle overnight

    1. GNU Terry Pratchett

  2. I can’t wait for Saranya to get high level armour.

  3. If the Witch shows up in this story, I’m gonna start to wonder what Noah gets up to off panel.

  4. Witch of Many Jobs

    Even in a fantasy world Beverly is still an absolute unit.

    1. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  5. Tara is wearing Morrigan’s Robes from Dragon Age 1, nice.

  6. I’m starting to think the proposition from the last comic *was* to play DND. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

  7. Aren’t teleporting dogs a thing in D&D? Steven would be a good fit.

    1. Oh yeah Blink Dogs.
      Blink Steven. Heh.

  8. From a proposed foursome to a DnD campaign. You’re really getting more and more degenerate. What next, they’ll get into W40k miniature wargaming?

  9. Hm… does anyone else get a bit of Dragon Age: Origins Morrigan from Tahara’s outfit? (I don’t think I spelled Tara’s character’s name right…)

  10. Man Tarha is one tall ass gobli

  11. They’re all so synchronized in their steps!

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