The Shrieking Mires #5

23 thoughts on “The Shrieking Mires #5

  1. So this means Tahra is Pact of the Chain, right?

    1. Yep, that’s her familiar. What kind of warlock pact she have and what Steve is is still a mystery.

      1. Steven the Great Old One

  2. Michael Steamweed

    I’m not too sure that _Tara_ isn’t Pact of the Chain.

  3. They all failed the CHA Save except for Bev, XD!

    1. why would this be a CHA save? This is clearly either a WIS or INT check.

      1. Cha or Int, Wisdom save.
        Definately NOT an ability check; this is clearly a hostile effect.

        BUt saves are roughly:

        Str: Break out of something before it traps you.
        Con: Physically resist something
        Dex: Be too fast for something to catch you entirely
        Wis: Keep trrue to yourself when something tries to entrap your will
        Cha: Push through something through strength of mind
        Int: Think your way out of something or have a mind that’s too strong for something

        …Yeah, the criteria differentiating mental saves are clear as mud.

        Enemies abound (illusion) is an Int save
        Banish, Plane Shift, Seeming and Zone of Truth are cha saves
        Charm spells, Dream, and Hypnotic Pattern are all Wis saves

        1. Michael Steamweed

          Yeah, it feels like an INT save. And both the Githyanki and Tiefling seems to be the smartest out of the whole lot. Probably the Gith just got a bad roll (it happens (a lot)).

        2. Seeing through illusions is typically a Wisdom save.

        3. Illusions are -specifically- the thing in 5e where the saves are just all over the map.
          In general, most mental saves are Wis saves for…reasons I guess. But for ones that aren’t there’s no real consistency; Int is as likely as Cha.

          Honestly, it -should- be that:

          Illusions are always int saves (seeing the flaws in the illusion)
          Charm/enchantment is always wis (following your own desires over those imposed from outside)
          Reisting any other effects through force of will (banish, feeblemind, plane shift, zone of truth, etc) is always Cha.

          Maybe next edition.

  4. I love that Bev is completely unaffected

  5. Three of them would have been proficient in charisma saves, two are proficient in wisdom saves, but none are in intelligence saves so it could have been an intelligence save. especially given that all of them likely dumped intelligence.

    1. The characters or the players? 😉

  6. When you’re the only one that made the will save

  7. Titania Bird: Pact of the Leash

    1. Well, pseudodragons can be like cats; who’s to say one can’t act like a dog?

  8. Witch of Many Jobs

    Steven is here too! Let´s go!

  9. Im betting now that Steven can see all of them

  10. Okey. There are in a forest. There is a mist that cause everyone to hallucinate and see different things. Their only half-elf is a barbarian so low wis save, which mean a fail is a real possibility even with an advantage. The only one who didn’t fail is the tilfling bard.
    Yep, they are definitely dealing with some fey shit.
    Won’t be surprised if the quest give himself is a few in disguise

  11. Yeah, when things get weird the weird get a powerup. And then there’s Steven. A true Eldritch being.

  12. I like how everybody is in character and Steven is just Steven

  13. Because of course Steven can just come into an imaginary game world when called

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