The Shrieking Mires #6

24 thoughts on “The Shrieking Mires #6

  1. communication, the bases of any good relationship😂

  2. I’m sure there’s a completely reasonable explanation. Like an ambush, or a dastardly plot.

  3. Either you’re dangerously incompetent…. Or you’re in on it. Regardless, we have a problem

  4. I made my saving throw versus spells. How’s your save versus ventilation?

    1. “Save versus spells” That’s a old turn of phrase I haven’t heard in many years.

      1. Michael Steamweed

        That was some good ol’ 1st edition stuff!

    2. This looks pretty 5e. I reckon it’s probably a Will Save 😛

      1. 5e doesn’t use Will. That’s Pathfinder.

        1. It was also D&D 3.0/3.5

        2. 3rd Edition had Fortitude/Reflex/Will saves. Pathfinder 1st edition was basically built on the DnD 3rd/3.5 edition ruleset.

      2. Michael Steamweed

        Will saves are old school DnD too. 5e uses Int and Wis saves now for most mental shenanigans.

        1. Purple Library Guy

          I don’t think Will saves are old school D&D. It was Int and Wis back in 1st edition, so unless they did something weird somewhere in the middle editions Will isn’t a D&D thing.

        2. Michael Steamweed

          Maybe not _that_ old, for “old school”. It was 3rd edition. You had Fortitude (Con), Reflex (Dex), and Will (Wis) saving throws.

  5. Either she failed the performance roll, or Bev smoked that insight check.

    1. Michael Steamweed

      She’s a bard. She’s totally got the advantage in spotting performance. 🙂

  6. Witch of Many Jobs

    Beverly knows what fear smells like and that girl ain´t smelling like she should.

  7. I’m still not convinced that Sara failed her saving throw and isn’t just ignoring Bev and the rest to just start trying out her big axe…

    1. …also, note that she’s already felled one rather substantial tree behind her…

  8. Sara fighting trees in the background. The illusion afected her so much she’s just living a whole other adventure. 😂

  9. Bev be like fuck my enemy is the damn trees speaking sylvan.

  10. The bard is being the reasonable and logical one

    1. Michael Steamweed

      For once, there will be a bard who doesn’t go around seducing everything. :O

  11. As I already said… ‘been there done that, got the T-shirt and the mug~’.

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