The Wedding #1

8 thoughts on “The Wedding #1

  1. yea!!!!!!!!!

  2. Witch of many Jobs

    Tara and throwing a shit party? Impossible!

  3. Wow… they weren’t kidding when they said they wanted to get married first!

  4. WHAT! Today is the wedding day? And they spent the night together. Don’t you know it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding? (Also what about the bridal shower. I was looking forward to that)

  5. Tara and Beverly have such a warm relationship.

  6. Is morning boinking a thing for real people? When I wake up I need to immediately pee and then brush the taste of death out of my mouth, neither state being conducive for Slythering the Hufflepuff.

  7. there doing it bro

    there making it hapen

  8. Can you do a flashback to when they did their paperwork? I think that might be a fun and interesting scenario.

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