The Wedding #10

8 thoughts on “The Wedding #10

  1. Aww, he tried to fix it!

  2. Witch of many Jobs

    Tara is going to be so jealous when she finds out her friend can actually talk to Steven.

  3. Steven seems to be a very handy Dog to have around

  4. I’m convinced Steven is a Demigod of some sort.

  5. Ka-borf.

  6. Oh wow, didn’t expect that xD But I love it

  7. If you have a gas leak, you leave. You don’t flip switches, you don’t trip breakers, you don’t plug or unplug anything. You do nothing but leave. You call emergency services from outside the building.

  8. okay but disconnecting the power is the surest way to cause a spark. you ever unplug a turned-on high-wattage appliance and a spark comes out of the outlet? same thing. boom!

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