The Wedding #15

16 thoughts on “The Wedding #15

  1. Beautiful! Amazing job with those story!

  2. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Good show, jolly good show


  5. Imadethisaccounttopostthis

    Absolutely beautiful. Glad I was here when it happened!

  6. Witch of many Jobs

    And here I was hoping there would be some dipping involved.

  7. “Lets give those perverts a good show.” I feel attacked, and called out.

  8. Let’s go lesbians!

  9. I admit I cried I was so happy for them

  10. I’m kinda hoping the next strip is just of the audience getting more and more uncomfortable/turned on as increasing wet noises come from the off-panel Bev and Tara.

  11. “Lets give those perverts a good show.”

    Seems like an odd thing to say about your family and friends….

  12. THis wedding arc has just been wonderful

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