The Wedding #16

16 thoughts on “The Wedding #16

  1. I love Steven dancing too. Such a good boy.

  2. Question. Panel 3. Bluetooth speaker?

    Looks kind of like an Electrolux.

  3. I want what they have 😔😔

  4. Witch of many Jobs

    Why get a super expensive dinner program for everybody if you can just order a tower of pizza?! Everybody loves pizza.

  5. THE DOG!!

  6. This was a really damn cute arc, and the art is always vibrant and colorful.

  7. My headcanon is they had to use Tara’s phone because Bev’s is 60-80% Jock James.

  8. It actually makes a lotta sense these two are NOT the type to have wedding cake. Not to mention it’s so much funnier this way.

  9. Pizza, clearly they are queens in choosing proper food. 😀 Also FINALLY! ^_^ I’ve been waiting for this stupid moment for years it feels like lol. Also, side note. Take THAT twin brother! She got married first haha!

  10. I love the fancy low key wedding. Spend the money on the dresses and venue and cheap out on everything else.

    1. TransbiansAreCool

      well, to be fair, the power DID go out so i think they had to improvise some

    2. TransbiansAreCool

      or rather, the power was turned off because of the gas leak

  11. I would have voluntarily DJ’s for this beautiful event. *sniff*

  12. Love the dorks on the left ( I THINK that they’re dating but am still not 100% sure)

  13. Pizza may not be traditional catering for a wedding, but there is no situation where I will say no to pizza.

  14. Excellent choice on dinner. Can’t go wrong with pizza! Why can’t I pick something I like if it’s my own wedding?

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