The Wedding #18

41 thoughts on “The Wedding #18

  1. Plot Twist!

  2. So, a demon officiated Bev and Tara’s wedding? Hmmm…

  3. Horny Soul Stealing Witch Alert!

  4. …I’m sorry, what?

  5. … What.

  6. I enjoy the “causing gas leaks for dummies” book.

  7. Isn’t that the sexy witch/sex demon from the Halloween special? Does that mean that she’s real or is this another elaborate role-play? Either way, I’m very curious to see what happens next. What I’m hoping happens next is this: So this is a sex demon that devours horny souls, right? Who in this cast is, just like the sex demon, horny, sexy, crazy and scary? You guessed it: Sarah! Now imagine this evil demon falling for Sarah! They’re practically kindred spirits! Soulmates! A perfect match!

  8. I swear the For Dummies books are getting more and more niche

  9. I’m kind of curious about the rest of the cover of “Causing Gas Leaks for Dummies” 🤣️

  10. Wasn’t she blue last time? 😛

  11. Aww, is someone still salty over getting BONK’d in a Halloween-themed sexual roleplay?

  12. Witch of many Jobs

    Spooky season is just around the corner! Let the slightly horny supernatural shenanigans begin!

  13. I cant wait for a book like “Finding a Gas Leaks for Dummies Book for Dummies”

  14. Isn’t that the witch/demon from the Halloween special? Does that mean that she’s real or is this another elaborate role-play? Either way, I’m very curious to see what happens next.

    What I’m hoping happens next is this: So this is a demon that devours souls (specifically h*rny souls it seems), right? Who in this cast is, just like the demon, h*rny, s*xy, cr*zy and sc*ry? You guessed it: Sarah! Now imagine this evil demon falling for Sarah! They’re practically kindred spirits! Soulmates! A perfect match!

  15. Out of curiosity are we supposed the recognise the evil chick? I certainly don’t

  16. Uh, did the demon girl escape from their elaborate sex roleplay scenario, or are they just giving it a sequel on their wedding night?

  17. Absolutely yes! I was waiting for the succubus / demon lady to show up again!

  18. I like how this wholesome-yet-horny webcomic now definitely has supernatural shenanigans as a thing.

  19. Is this page another role playing fantasy similar to the one on Halloween?

  20. That’s the demon lady from the Halloween Special?
    Re-reading it, it looks like that episode was an imaginary story/roleplay Tara made? What is the demon lady doing here now?
    Why would she cause a gas leak, how does that help her get horny souls?
    Where is Steven?

  21. Yay comments are working! Yay Halloween lady!

  22. I love it! Makes me wonder if Steven is a spook.

  23. Right. We’ve paddled around in the shallow end behind ‘the kiddies rope’ long enough – now it’s time to move into the deep end. Enjoy the swim!

    1. What do you mean?

      1. I mean this comic has been awesome and wonderful, but, to be blunt, very vanilla – a happy romance budding and growing between a wonderful couple, with a few mundane diversions; not so much a wild, roller-coaster ride, but a beautiful little boat rental at a scenic pond on a lovely day.
        And now, at the cusp of the leads’ relationship strengthening and growing, we got some serious obstructions – not merely some sibling rivalry, but genuine danger and risk, which we were brought through successfully by the efforts of the ensemble around the leads…
        …and as things draw to a comfortable close, there remains a shadow in the background – a side character revealed to be an antagonist and the architect of this conflict, a supernatural creature that has implied that their nefarious plans have only just begun…

        1. …that said, I could be jumping to conclusions: this apparent demon that runs the venue Bev & Tara had for their wedding might be planning to foil *other* couples’ efforts to marry, and is plotting against her future customers, and our happy couple are well out of her sights.
          Anton Chekov would not be pleased at that, but then he’s been dead for ages, so what do we care?. 😉

        2. I hate Jaded Cynic.

          Jesus fucking christ, your name isn’t wrong.

  24. is her super villain name “the clam jammer”?

  25. How cursed is my brain that the first thing I think of from reading the first word bubble in the first panel is lyrics to a song from Metal Gear Rising.

    1. ♫ Standing here, I realize
      You were just like me, trying to make history… ♫

      (Yeah, it’s not just you. 😉 )

  26. Wait, isn’t that that one chick from the Halloween arc?

    Why does she want to kill them?

  27. She needs a name tag!

    And, uh, pasties?

  28. Imadethisaccounttopost

    Love that book. When are we gonna get merch??

  29. Now the question is: is she actually real, or is this just a honeymoon roleplay session by Bev and Tara again?

  30. When will that witch be added as a character though?

  31. So the witch WAS real?!

  32. Why is she back why!

  33. Kinda in poor taste to imply (or very bluntly show that) the witch was real, it’s not even clever to suggest that she might be real. The entire Halloween special was established as a story the two women wrote up, it makes no sense that the witch shows up.

  34. Well, if she’s back my suspicions Steven is a werewolf/hellhound of some sort still holds water

  35. Ur!!!! We have won 🙂

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