The Wedding #3

13 thoughts on “The Wedding #3

  1. Borf is there for you. Borf understands

  2. Reminder that Dee is very much married, and yet she’s still defending her queen Bee. True ally behavior!

  3. Witch of many Jobs

    At least they are dedicated bridesmaids.

  4. #NoPressure

  5. ersgtdiupoiouiyuyjhtgrsetd'[-oipuujyfhtdgrsyiuo

  6. Dee I think you might be going a bit overboard there.

  7. Dee’s a little intense today.

  8. Our priest’s ‘Best Man’ speech was ‘if the Groom chickens out, the Bride blames you if he escapes. ‘ And my bestie was much more afraid of her than of me.

  9. Dee just became my favorite person in this comic! The Game Of Thrones theme song was playing in my head during her speech!
    Sworn Queensguard indeed!

  10. I like Dee

  11. She’s got that Big Dee energy.

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