The Wedding #5

18 thoughts on “The Wedding #5

  1. am i crazy or is sarah with a bit of tummy there? is she pregnant or smt?

  2. Jee, I wonder why Sarah is afraid of you, lol

  3. Steven in a bow tie is magnificent

  4. Witch of many Jobs

    She has that overactive goblin energy.

  5. OMG Steven in a bow tie! I am lovin’ this!

  6. As with most goblins, I can only imagine that Noah and Sarah have only a vestigial knowledge of how to deal with actual sincerity.

  7. These characters are all so cute. They’re really blossoming into 3D-feeling *people* instead of cardboard cutouts, even though many of them don’t have that much screen time. Fantastic writing.

  8. Dee, honey, you forgot your pupils in the car 😳

    Come to think of it, that might be part of why Sarah is scared of her 🤔

  9. Dee is a machine! I want to hire her!

  10. Love the little collar on Steven.
    I can’t see what reasons lol.

  11. The Dee-terminator has been unleashed

  12. I wonder why lmao

    1. Maybe Dee is more intense than she is. Given that Sarah is used to terrifying others, someone that can one-up her intensity might be intimidating.

  13. yea….so am i

  14. Correct usage of someone’s fear

  15. Psycho afraid of even bigger psycho, noice

  16. Oh Steven is the ring bearer? He’s totally going to eat the rings.

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