The Wedding #7

14 thoughts on “The Wedding #7

  1. Noah may be many things, but at least he’s honest.

  2. Oh, that’s what they meant by no filter.

  3. I can’t wait to see the dresses!

  4. at the altar, Tara just gonna say “yo, Steven” and he’ll have been there all along

    1. i wouldn’t even be surprised if he just pop back in when Tara summon in

    2. Inexplicably wearing a tux and a tophat.

    3. My thought exactly

  5. Dee should’ve confiscated theses phones. 😀

  6. Plz continue, i want to see this wedding

  7. Hmmm… I wonder if ‘cloudy’ means unshaved…

  8. “Cloudy with a chance of pussy” made me laugh way more than it shoulda

  9. Is Sarah -trying- to flash Noah?

    I mean, probably, at this point. If she is into him, he’s very dense.

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