The Wedding #9

20 thoughts on “The Wedding #9

  1. She speaks Steven!?

    1. there’s a gas leak

      1. That would explain how she understands Steven.

  2. You know,but makes perfect sense that Sarah can clearly understand every word Steven s says

  3. The plot thickens

  4. Aw well isn’t that nice, she found the do- wait what do you mean “what do you mean gas leak” is this dog psychic?! At this point, nothing from Steven surprises me.

  5. So Sarah can understand Steven. Interesting. Can she understand other dogs? Can other people understand Steven?

    1. …also, if there is a gas leak, why is Steven still conscious (his lungs are a good bit smaller than the average adult person). What does Steven have that an ordinary Bull Terrier(?) doesn’t?

      1. A less-than-firm grip on reality?

      2. dog is lower to the ground i think that the gas in gas leaks is lighter than air + unclear how much gas is there.

      3. Gregina Bogosian.

        Natural gas is toxic. But, dogs can detect it sooner than humans can, because of their superior sense of smell. So its possible that there is nothing special about Steven’s ability to tolerate gas, and the worst effects just haven’t manifested yet, because he detected the leak early.

      4. He looks like a white airedale terrier.

      5. Steven does not care about your silly laws of physics

  6. Steven is a Good Dog

  7. Plot twist: Steven’s just saying he farted.

  8. I am not surprised Sarah can understand Steven.

  9. Sarah can understand dogs! That tracks, seeing as most of the men she sleeps with are dogs!

  10. When did she learn Borf?

  11. Love is in the air? Wrong! Gas leak.

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