Tower of Tricks #5

24 thoughts on “Tower of Tricks #5

  1. Alice has an interesting definition of “lucky”

    1. a reader among thousands

      Yet she’s not totally wrong. They survived the forest, leaved unscratched after their massacre, kidnapped the right girl, achieved to escape the research, and so on. They systematically make the wrong decision, and so far still achieve to progress in their quest. From the point of view of their characters, it’s unbelievable luck.

      But I agree that, from the point of view of the players, it’s something radically different.

      1. I’m pretty sure their continued good luck is accompanied by the DM banging their head on the table from all the railroading they have to do to keep the party out of trouble.

        1. I don’t feel like this is “railroading.” It doesn’t have the lack of choice. What I’m seeing looks more like quick adaptation.

  2. Chevron Seven.. also lit up!

    1. Michael Steamweed

      I understood that reference! 🙂

      1. I certainly didn’t…
        And I have the weird feeling that I should’ve…

        1. a reader among thousands

          If my old brain still works correctly, it’s Stargate, whatever the movie or one of the series.

        2. Michael Steamweed

          Stargate SG-1. When they discover they can gate to another _galaxy_.

        3. For some reason, this website doesn’t allow me to reply to the replies of my reply.
          I may see the reason why now…

          Anyway, thanks for reminding me about Stargate. I should rewatch it now…

    2. *chevron 7 locked/encoded, never “lit up”. Know your Stargate! /s

      1. Not to *AKTUALLY* you here, but I think this is an EVEN DEEPER CUT reference to the time they first dialed an 8-chevron address to the Asgard home galaxy. Chevron 7 Encodes but doesn’t Lock like usual, and Walter is confused and says this. Then the previously unseen Chevron 8 Locks and the wormhole opens.


    3. “Chevron Seven, locked.”*

  3. So, about the impulse control problem Tara has?

  4. “We have been consistently lucky so far.” Oh no. You sweet, little innocent baby bird. The GM spent all this time getting you into the dungeon. This is the part they actually PLANNED. You’re going NOWHERE.

  5. Yes, Tara’s still a goblin. In the meantime they need to dial up a different destination.

  6. I really love these D&D arcs.

  7. seeing silhouettes through translucent robes is such a sexy thing to me, I’m getting a lot out of this story.

  8. Witch of many Jobs

    *ding!* Fifth floor. Lava, volcanoes and menswear,

    1. Michael Steamweed

      “Aw, dang. I was looking for lingerie, perfumes, and meadows.”

      1. “May I interest you in a new island? Will only take a moment now.”

      2. “Sportswear, habberdashery, screaming souls and fire, going DOWN!”

  9. Nice touch that the dresses are a little transparent, aka r/wtsstadamit

  10. This whole tower thing that takes you to different worlds reminds me of Final Fantasy Legend (aka SaGa) 1. Of course, being a Square game, I’m sure they originally got it from a DnD thing I’m not familiar with as a semi-outsider.

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