Sarahnormal Activity #10

15 thoughts on “Sarahnormal Activity #10

  1. Witch of many Jobs

    I want to believe there was a small bloop in reality just off panel and Steven appeared into the room.

    1. i wonder why she came all the way here anyway. she could have done exactly the same in their own home and he would have just been there all along.

      1. Nah, he would have appeared at Penny’s house to maintain the illusion.

  2. allhaillordsteven

    No no. Steven simply exists in all points of time and space. He only deigns to walk anywhere because hes a dog and walking is fun!

  3. At this point I can confidently say Steven is the bridge between the mortal and spirit realms. His benevolence graces us with miracles. Long may he reign over us all.

    1. You’re saying Steven is the Avatar?

      1. The Last Dogbender

  4. I saw comments to this effect at the bottom of the last comic. How many people knew this was coming?

  5. Looks like Steven can be counted on to be a good boy all of the time. But Noah better be careful that he is not brought into the basement of his sister’s house for another lecture.

  6. Steven has appeared in twice as many comics as Dee. He is overdue for his own entry in the Characters section.

    1. I want to upvote this comment but can’t. So consider this reply as an upvote.

    2. Michael Steamweed

      I, too, agree with this post and want to upvote this post. 🙂

  7. Just a Random taught!
    A Steven Plushie!
    I would by that!

  8. It is interesting that Steven seems to be much more Tara’s dog (she is Steven’s human?) than Beverly’s. Beverly is never shown petting Steven or holding his leash.
    Steven seems to interact more with the “super gay sex-crazed succubi” as well as with Sarah and Noah, than with Beverly.

  9. I just realized that you draw the… crotch area from males the same as for females.
    It doesn’t have to be bannana bandana levels of *sproink*ness, but seeing that something’s there.

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